22,287 research outputs found

    Investigating synthetic oligonucleotide targeting of miR31 in Duchenne muscular dystrophy

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    Exon-skipping via synthetic antisense oligonucleotides represents one of the most promising potential therapies for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), yet this approach is highly sequence-specific and thus each oligonucleotide is of benefit to only a subset of patients. The discovery that dystrophin mRNA is subject to translational suppression by the microRNA miR31, and that miR31 is elevated in the muscle of DMD patients, raises the possibility that the same oligonucleotide chemistries employed for exon skipping could be directed toward relieving this translational block. This approach would act synergistically with exon skipping where possible, but by targeting the 3’UTR it would further be of benefit to the many DMD patients who express low levels of in-frame transcript. We here present investigations into the feasibility of combining exon skipping with several different strategies for miR31-modulation, using both in vitro models and the mdx mouse (the classical animal model of DMD), and monitoring effects on dystrophin at the transcriptional and translational level. We show that despite promising results from our cell culture model, our in vivo data failed to demonstrate similarly reproducible enhancement of dystrophin translation, suggesting that miR31-modulation may not be practical under current oligonucleotide approaches. Possible explanations for this disappointing outcome are discussed, along with suggestions for future investigations

    Scanamorphos: a map-making software for Herschel and similar scanning bolometer arrays

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    Scanamorphos is one of the public softwares available to post-process scan observations performed with the Herschel photometer arrays. This post-processing mainly consists in subtracting the total low-frequency noise (both its thermal and non-thermal components), masking high-frequency artefacts such as cosmic ray hits, and projecting the data onto a map. Although it was developed for Herschel, it is also applicable with minimal adjustment to scan observations made with some other imaging arrays subjected to low-frequency noise, provided they entail sufficient redundancy; it was successfully applied to P-Artemis, an instrument operating on the APEX telescope. Contrary to matrix-inversion softwares and high-pass filters, Scanamorphos does not assume any particular noise model, and does not apply any Fourier-space filtering to the data, but is an empirical tool using purely the redundancy built in the observations -- taking advantage of the fact that each portion of the sky is sampled at multiple times by multiple bolometers. It is an interactive software in the sense that the user is allowed to optionally visualize and control results at each intermediate step, but the processing is fully automated. This paper describes the principles and algorithm of Scanamorphos and presents several examples of application.Comment: This is the final version as accepted by PASP (on July 27, 2013). A copy with much better-quality figures is available on http://www2.iap.fr/users/roussel/herschel

    Altered muscarinic and nicotinic receptor densities in cortical and subcortical brain regions in Parkinson's disease

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    Muscarinic and nicotinic cholinergic receptors and choline acetyltransferase activity were studied in postmortem brain tissue from patients with histopathologically confirmed Parkinson's disease and matched control subjects. Using washed membrane homogenates from the frontal cortex, hippocampus, caudate nucleus, and putamen, saturation analysis of specific receptor binding was performed for the total number of muscarinic receptors with [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate, for muscarinic M1 receptors with [3H]pirenzepine, for muscarinic M2 receptors with [3H]oxotremorine-M, and for nicotinic receptors with (-)-[3H]nicotine. In comparison with control tissues, choline acetyl-transferase activity was reduced in the frontal cortex and hippocampus and unchanged in the caudate nucleus and putamen of parkinsonian patients. In Parkinson's disease the maximal binding site density for [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate was increased in the frontal cortex and unaltered in the hippocampus, caudate nucleus, and putamen. Specific [3H]pirenzepine binding was increased in the frontal cortex, unaltered in the hippocampus, and decreased in the caudate nucleus and putamen. In parkinsonian patients Bmax values for specific [3H]oxotremorine-M binding were reduced in the cortex and unchanged in the hippocampus and striatum compared with controls. Maximal (-)-[3H]nicotine binding was reduced in both the cortex and hippocampus and unaltered in both the caudate nucleus and putamen. Alterations of the equilibrium dissociation constant were not observed for any ligand in any of the brain areas examined. The present results suggest that both the innominatocortical and the septohippocampal cholinergic systems degenerate in Parkinson's disease.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS

    Resource management implications of ERTS-1 data to Ohio

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    Initial experimental analysis of ERTS-1 imagery has demonstrated that remote sensing from space is a means of delineating and inventorying Ohio's strip-mined areas, detecting power plant smoke plumes, and proving the data necessary for periodically compiling land use maps for the entire state. The nature and extent of these problems throughout Ohio, how ERTS data can contribute to their solution, and estimates of the long term significance of these initial findings to overall resource management interests in Ohio are summarized

    The VLBA correlator: Real-time in the distributed era

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    The correlator is the signal processing engine of the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA). Radio signals are recorded on special wideband (128 Mb/s) digital recorders at the 10 telescopes, with sampling times controlled by hydrogen maser clocks. The magnetic tapes are shipped to the Array Operations Center in Socorro, New Mexico, where they are played back simultaneously into the correlator. Real-time software and firmware controls the playback drives to achieve synchronization, compute models of the wavefront delay, control the numerous modules of the correlator, and record FITS files of the fringe visibilities at the back-end of the correlator. In addition to the more than 3000 custom VLSI chips which handle the massive data flow of the signal processing, the correlator contains a total of more than 100 programmable computers, 8-, 16- and 32-bit CPUs. Code is downloaded into front-end CPU's dependent on operating mode. Low-level code is assembly language, high-level code is C running under a RT OS. We use VxWorks on Motorola MVME147 CPU's. Code development is on a complex of SPARC workstations connected to the RT CPU's by Ethernet. The overall management of the correlation process is dependent on a database management system. We use Ingres running on a Sparcstation-2. We transfer logging information from the database of the VLBA Monitor and Control System to our database using Ingres/NET. Job scripts are computed and are transferred to the real-time computers using NFS, and correlation job execution logs and status flow back by the route. Operator status and control displays use windows on workstations, interfaced to the real-time processes by network protocols. The extensive network protocol support provided by VxWorks is invaluable. The VLBA Correlator's dependence on network protocols is an example of the radical transformation of the real-time world over the past five years. Real-time is becoming more like conventional computing. Paradoxically, 'conventional' computing is also adopting practices from the real-time world: semaphores, shared memory, light-weight threads, and concurrency. This appears to be a convergence of thinking

    Olfactory variation in mouse husbandry and its implications for refinement and standardisation: UK survey of non-animal scents

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    With their highly sensitive olfactory system, the behaviour and physiology of mice are not only influenced by the scents of conspecifics and other species, but also by many other chemicals in the environment. The constraints of laboratory housing limit a mouse’s capacity to avoid aversive odours that could be present in the environment. Potentially odorous items routinely used for husbandry procedures, such as sanitizing products and gloves, could be perceived by mice as aversive or attractive, and affect their behaviour, physiology and experimental results. A survey was sent to research institutions in the UK to enquire about husbandry practices that could impact on the olfactory environment of the mouse. Responses were obtained from 80 individuals working in 51 institutions. Husbandry practices varied considerably. Seventy percent of respondents reported always wearing gloves for handling mice, with nitrile being the most common glove material (94%) followed by latex (23%) and vinyl (14%). Over six different products were listed for cleaning surfaces, floors, anaesthesia and euthanasia chambers and behavioural apparatus. In all cases Trigene™ (now called Anistel™) was the most common cleaning product used (43, 41, 40 and 49%, respectively). Depending on the attribute considered, between 7 and 19% of respondents thought that cleaning products definitely, or were likely to, have strong effects on standardization, mouse health, physiology or behaviour. Understanding whether and how these odours affect mouse welfare will help to refine mouse husbandry and experimental procedures through practical recommendations, to improve the quality of life of laboratory animals and the experimental data obtained
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